It has become increasingly difficult to be a digital marketer when many small businesses have been shut down through Governor orders. Now is not the time to pull back the awareness level on your business, though, because everyone is spending more time than ever online. Learning, engaging with their company or creating their own content to drive the success of their small business. Your competitors aren't sleeping on the new found time and I encourage you to have just as much hustle.
If you are like me, everything was so exciting in the first few weeks, I had a ton of ideas and I was eager to put them all together as fast as I could. Week three set in and we were given bad news, we had another four weeks to go, plus with kids, my online time was increasingly limited due to having to spend time ensuring that work was being done through their online education programs. Listening to the chatter of half a dozen Kindergarten age children definitely changes the energy surrounding my creativity. I'm a solo-preneur for a reason; getting into a head space for hours that allows the outpouring of text and art design has become my happy place. If I am speaking to your soul here, and you too have children; cheers, we are in this together!
With the couple of hours a day I can manage to put into the creative side, I push on, both for my business and to help you and the rest of my team at Lockland Old School Tattoo. Naomi, the business coach that we have been working with for the past few months, has been furloughed as well; and is currently working on re-branding, relaunching and beginning her website, coaching programs and a brand new summit for self care. I'll be so excited to share that with everyone in the coming weeks. She has graciously hosted a weekly dinner and coaching session to organize all her things, the shops things and has inspired me to get financially fit, lay down course offerings in the marketing, design and branding sphere and really fine tune what Artemis is, where it's going and what steps we are taking to get there.
Through all the static that I have going on in my home life, dishes, school work and mowing the grass, I have made time to invest in myself. Tips for struggling parents looking for some space, send those kids outside. Dawn soap and some water will keep blowing bubbles for at least forty minutes. You may be asking what you can do for forty minutes. The answer is a lot.
Time is a controllable thing in terms of where you spend your energy and I started utilizing ten minute increments to get monotonous tasks done in the least overwhelming manner possible. When getting food ready for the kids, I would take ten minutes to wash dishes. When the ten minutes is up, I would move on to a new task or chore. Another fun thing to free up time and tidy at the same time was to always have at least one thing to put away as you move from room to room. Scan the kids rooms after you have put away folded clothes, what needs to go to the bathroom, what should go to the kitchen, it keeps you organizing while you are moving through the house.
A pro tip, because I have been utilizing time increments for years, listen to music during your showers. I have learned I can shave both legs in under two songs! Plus the warm water and sweet sound of Brandon Flowers singing his heart out to me is just about as relaxed as I can get!
So in terms of organizing your career needs in ten minute increments, assess your projects as a whole. From start to finish, how long would editing your video into a two minute promo for your business take? Break that up into actionable steps in ten minute intervals, and celebrate every ten minutes with a sip of that coffee you've been nursing all morning. Before you know it, you'll have the speed set, the music chosen, text laid out and the whole video complete.
Don't let the everyday life dampen your creativity and production. We are the generation of the "Ten Second Tidy," we just need to turn it into an attainable goal and prioritize our energy, needs and talents.