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Jessica Bernard

Resting is Easy

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

White tulips sitting in a white vase located on a wooden table next to a matching bed frame with white quilt and pillow cover.
Tulips on a Bedside Table

I read a few things months ago about the importance of putting self care above the need to hustle and grind. It brought up a lot of emotions for me, mostly in self defense, because when launching my first business, i was too excited to sleep. I needed to watch everything and create something that was SOO important to being a success. It was off balance for sure, but I have that kind of manic personality that knows that self care is important. I could sacrifice a few good nights sleep when the payoff was clients booking next week! In the beginning, I could not afford to just focus on my business so I had to take jobs working for someone else, on their time, their prices and their rules. You see how that's not so much fun.

The payoff took about a year but I wouldn't change a thing. The webinars that I caught up with at 2 a.m. were imperative in gaining the insights that I would use to draw in clients to my business and ultimately allowed me the freedom of time to be a creator.

After taking a few days to really think about the self care aspect of being an entrepreneur, I realized that I may be taking for granted that people are putting their own on the back burner to their detriment. When you don't take the time to pause your output and fill yourself back up, you risk putting out the bad stuff. Negativity, products that don't connect or resonate with your audience; and you may even be alienating your allies to some degree.

In my manic way of creating things, I have developed a habit of bookmarking where I can leave off. Whether it's literally a book mark in your how to manual or a jotted down idea web, you can gift yourself little clues in order to pick up where you leave your projects. Take advantage of the draft modes in your email host dashboard. I also use Google Keep, after a recommendation from an old friend.

When you are taking the time to rejuvenate with sleep, a hot crystal bath or herbal tea, be sure to alternate your time with extended periods of silence where you may let your mind wander through new concepts, different angles to your approach or innovative copy that WILL resonate with your audience. I literally build extravagant scenes in my head to play out different ways all my actions or steps will lead into. That is the recipe for creativity.

One more thing before I go, talking of sleep. One of the biggest tips that has stuck with me through the years, you never fall asleep angry. Instead, peruse your favorite sites in order to settle down and spark more joy and happiness. Go to bed on thoughts of how successful your drive and hustle is going to make you when you wake in the morning well rested.

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